Lewis County Health System updates inpatient visitation

LOWVILLE, NY ─  Effective Thursday, September 9, 2021, Lewis County Health System has updated its inpatient visitation guidelines. This does not apply to the Residential Health Care Facility which has its own visitation guidelines.

All visitors and support person(s) will be asked to submit a health screening upon entrance into the Health System, must properly wear face coverings at all times, regardless of visitor or patient vaccination status, and must practice social distancing and meticulous hand hygiene. Visitors who fail to wear a face covering or comply with the requirements will be asked to leave the facility. The cafeteria is closed to visitors.

We understand having the support of a loved one helps in the healing process. The guidelines below are designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and ensure a safe environment for patients, families, visitors, and health care workers, while
permitting expanded, but still limited, visitation. In rare exceptions and under special circumstances, modifications may be made on an individual basis.

All guidelines are available on the health system’s coronavirus information page at www.lcgh.net/coronavirus. The updated Visitor Guidelines and Information are listed below:


• TWO VISITORS PER DAY PER PATIENT can visit a patient between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
• Visitors must enter the facility using the Emergency Department entrance.
• All visitors must be at least 18 years of age.
• Visitors will only be permitted to go to the patient’s room, visit with the patient and then exit the hospital.
• Once in the facility, the visitor must remain in the patient’s room throughout the visit except when asked by hospital staff to step out as needed for the care of the patient.
• Visitors may not be present during procedures nor in the recovery room except for pediatrics, childbirth, and patients with an intellectual, developmental, or other cognitive disability.
• VISITATION is not permitted for COVID-19 patients. Exceptions may be made for end-of-life visits and must be arranged with the nursing supervisor.


• One support person can accompany a patient
• Ambulatory Surgery patients and their support person may enter through the Lobby or Emergency Department entrances.
• The support person may remain with the patient through the initial intake process and may rejoin the patient for the discharge process. The support person may not be present during procedures nor in the recovery room except for pediatrics, childbirth, and patients with an intellectual, developmental or other cognitive disability.


• One support person may accompany a patient at the discretion of the Emergency Department staff.
• Once in the ED, the support person must remain in the patient’s room, except when asked by hospital staff to step out as needed for the care of the patient.
• No visitors are allowed in the ED waiting area.


• Two support persons can accompany a patient.
• Children under 18 years of age are not allowed to visit.
• The support person(s) must enter the facility using the Emergency Department entrance and go directly to the patient’s room.
• Once in the unit, the support person(s) are encouraged to stay for the duration, however, in certain circumstances can leave and return.
• The support person(s) must remain in the patient’s room throughout the visit except when directed by hospital staff to step out as needed for the care of the patient.


• Patients can bring one companion to their health care visit.