Watertown City School District statement about caps and gowns

Watertown City School District statement:

Over the last several years we have had students that have asked for permission to wear the opposite color of cap and gown than the one assigned to them.  They were given permission to wear either color as both are WHS colors. The subject was again brought up this past fall by students.  We noticed that the website through which students order caps and gowns did not give the option to choose a color but that the color was only assigned by gender.  We asked the vendor to change that for us so as to allow students to pick either of our WHS colors. They said that many schools around the country are moving to gowns that have both colors represented and that the vast majority of students chose the primary color of the school with the secondary color as the accent.  They asked if we would like some samples.  We said yes and they sent us a variety of samples. We then hung those samples in the senior cafeteria and asked the seniors which they preferred.   The one that was preferred by the seniors was chosen.  It was purple with white bands on the forearms.

This information was shared out at the faculty meeting at WHS several months ago.  A ParentSquare message was sent to all of the WHS families, staff, and students on April 3 with a picture of the new gown for all students.  We only received 2 questions, one regarding if that was for all students and the other was about prom tickets and pricing.  6 people appreciated the post.  The interim superintendent was kept in the loop.